„Targets, mechanisms and consequences of regulated T cell pre-mRNA splicing and their relevance as genetic markers of virally induced or general T cell suppression"
It addresses to applicants interested in cell biology and immunology, with basic understanding of bioinformatics and a Master's degree in a relevant area. Beneficiaries must register for full-time doctoral study.
The project is embedded within the DFG-funded International Research Training Group (IRTG) “HIV/AIDS and Associated Infectious Diseases” which is part of the Graduate School of Life Sciences (www.gk-1522.uni-wuerzburg.de). The elaborate post-graduate education programme includes a several weeks stay at the partner laboratory in South Africa.
Applications are welcome via e-mail with the subject line “Application for IRTG Scholarship”, including letter of motivation, statement of interest, curriculum vitae and transcripts of academic qualifications to: irtg1522@uni-wuerzburg.de
Nina Kugler (irtg1522@uni-wuerzburg.de)
Institut fuer Virologie und Immunbiologie
Versbacher Straße 7
97078 Würzburg, Deutschland
Tel.: 0931/201-49559
Fax: 0931/201-49553
URL: Zur Web-Seite