
In the Department of Pneumology of the University Hospital of Freiburg seeking for doctoral come biologists / biochemists / chemists

In the Department of Pneumology of the University Hospital of Freiburg, in the context
one by the BMBF-funded project (GOLDnet) to the quickest possible time a Thesis for the Biology / Molecular Medicine to forgive. As a doctoral come biologists / biochemists / chemists (m / w) in Question. The project deals with the Granulomentstehung under the Sarcoidosis. The central theme is the activation of macrophages by various pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs: TLR ligands, Cordfaktoren) and their contribution to Granulomformierung. The project is carried out in close cooperation with Prof. M. Freudenberg from the Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology, and part of the planned investigations will take place at the MPI. It is possible to a PhD program of the SFB620 and the CCI Freiburg participate. Their task is mainly the development and description of an already established mouse model to be sarcoidosis. Advantage in knowledge are Mouse model but not a requirement. The duration of the project amounts to 3 Years.

For more information, visit http:// ww.uniklinikfreiburg.com / pneumologie / live / forschung.

The office is at 2 years. Salary is according to tariff.
Please apply with the usual documents at the following address: PD
Dr. Antje Prasse, Department of Pneumology, Killianstraße 5, University Hospital
Freiburg, 79106 Freiburg. For further information please contact Dr. Antje
Prasse 0761/270-3720 phone or e-mail antje.prasse @ uniklinik-freiburg.de

Full-time positions are divisible, as far as official or legal reasons
does not allow this. Severely disabled persons with equal aptitude preferred
terminated. For the contents of this offer, each issuing institution
responsible. Appointments are made by the personnel department of the hospital.