
The Center for Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Research (ZBMZ) at the Elite University Freiburg is seeking for 3 Postdocs and 2 PhD Students

The Center for Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Research (ZBMZ) at the Elite
University Freiburg is seeking for 3 Postdocs and 2 PhD Students in Apoptosis Research
in the groups of Prof. Dr. Christoph Borner and Dr. Ulrich Maurer

Topics for the postdocs:
• Role of cathepsins in apoptosis
• Function of a novel class of Bcl-2 family proteins (AG Maurer)
• Rebuilding apoptosis signaling in yeast (in the frame of the Center for
Biological Signalling Studies (bioss) funded by the Excellence Initiative)

Topics for the PhD students:
• Mechanisms of apoptosis induction by alphaviruses
• Mechanisms of FasL-induced apoptosis in primary mouse hepatocytes

Broad knowledge of biochemical, molecular and cellular biology is required, experience in mouse work is an advantage and genuine interest in an academic career is a must. We offer excellent working conditions in a stimulating scientific environment which includes the newly created Center of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Research (ZBMZ), the Excellence Initiative funded Research Cluster bioss and the Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM) as well as access to central core facilities in proteomics, genomics, imaging and system
biology at the Center for Biosystems Analysis (ZBSA).

Applications include CV, publication list, motivation letter and names and contact
information of three references, and can be sent by e-mail or postal mail to:

Prof. Christoph Borner
Institute of Molecular Medicine, ZBMZ,
Stefan Meier Str. 17,

For further informations see www.mol-med.uni-freiburg.de.

Closing date: May 15,2008.

Research and teaching at the graduate and postgraduate level is in English.

Link: http://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/markt/gesetzt/S_08_04_a44.pdf

5 grants for doctoral thesis in Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, University Hospital Heidelberg.

Within a new postgraduate program “Differential activation and integration
of signaling modules within the immune system“, funded by the postgraduate
education program of Baden-Württemberg,

5 grants for doctoral thesis

beginning mid 2008 and with a 3-year duration are available.
The purpose of the program is the analysis of interactions between different
signaling cascades in cells of the innate and the adaptive immune
system. The work will focus on immunology, molecular and cellular
biology. Successful candidates will have an excellent track record and will
be highly motivated with a deep interest in Immunology and signal transduction.

We offer a well-structured and coordinated immunological
education program. We will provide excellent training in many aspects of
molecular and cellular Immunology in a well-equipped environment and
a positive working atmosphere.

Further information on the program and the application procedure can be
found at our website: www.immunesignaling.uni-hd.de

Applications should be sent by e-mail as a single pdf-file to:

Speaker of the program:

Prof. Dr. A. Dalpke,
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, University Hospital Heidelberg,
Im Neuenheimer Feld 324,

Link: http://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/markt/gesetzt/S_08_04_a23.pdf

Postdoctoral position at The Division of Structural Biology at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig/Germany

The Division of Structural Biology at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig/Germany invites applications for a Postdoctoral position

Planned project: Crystal structure determination of complex multi -modular assembly lines from Myxobacteria

Area of research: Structural biology, natural compound chemistry

Methods: State-of-the-art techniques in recombinant DNA technology (PCR, cloning, protein expression systems, site-directed mutagenesis), protein biochemistry (ÄKTA protein purification, protein analytics, crystallization of proteins), X-ray structural analysis (data collection, structure solution, model building and refinement), structure-function studies on proteins

Prerequisite: PhD in biochemistry, biology or chemistry. Profound experience in protein biochemisty and recombinant DNA technology mandatory. Experience in protein crystallography/structural biology will be advantageous.

Starting date: The position is immediately available but later starting dates are also possible.

Duration: Initially for 3 years with an option for extension

Apply to: Applications marked for Code 15/2008
should be sent by May 31st, 2008 to:

Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research,
Inhoffenstrasse 7,

Applications should contain a CV, list of publications,
copies of certificates and contact information for two
letters of recommendation

Information: For further information please feel free to contact
Prof. Dr. Dirk Heinz (dirk.heinz@helmholtz-hzi.de,
phone: +49(0)531-6181-7000)

Link: http://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/markt/gesetzt/S_08_04_a14.pdf

Post-doc Positions at Goethe University Medical School, Frankfurt, Germany.

Post-doc Positions
at the Institute of Biochemistry II, Goethe University Medical School,
Frankfurt, Germany.

The Institute of Biochemistry II is an interdisciplinary department
focused on signal transduction research. It is equipped with modern
facilities and offers the opportunity to work with leading scientists
in an international and team-oriented environment. Group leaders
include Ivan Dkic, Metello Innocenti, Werner Müller-Esterl, Krishna
Rajalingam, and Ritva Tikkanen. For more information, please visit
our website: http://www.biochem2.de.

We are seeking highly motivated scientists with strong interests in
(I) regulation of actin dynamics, (II) modulation of protein function
through ubiquitylation and (III) signal transduction in embryonic
development. Experience with standard techniques in molecular
biology, protein biochemistry and tissue culture is required. Knowledge
of imaging techniwues will be considered as a plus. Although
English is the official language of the institute, good German
language skills are welcome.

The positions are available initially for a period of 3 years; salary is
according to German BAT IIa (up to 45.000 € p.a. depending on
previous experience).

The legal provisions of the ”Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz“ (law
regulating time limited contracts for scientists) and the ”Hessische
Hochschulgesetz“ (Hessian Law for Higher Education) apply.
Qualified women are partricularly encouraged to apply.

Formal applications should include a letter stating your interests, a
full CV and the names of two referees and should be sent to:
office@biochem2.de. Informal inquiries regarding project details
are invited.


The Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology in Freiburg, Germany.

which is for an initial two-years appointment with the possibility of extension.
The position is available in the Department of Molecular Embryology (Head:
R. Kemler).

The research activities of the department focus on E-cadherin-mediated cell
adhesion and on Wnt/ß-catenin signaling in mouse embryonic development

Candidates with experience in these research areas will be at an advantage.
Profound knowledge in protein biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, as
well as in mouse developmental biology is required.

Payment will be a postdoctoral fellowship of the Max-Planck Society.
Women are especially encouraged to apply and handicapped applicants with
equal qualification will be given preferential treatment. A childcare facility
is attached to the Institute. Scientific business at the Institute is carried out
in English.

Applications (by e-mail) should include a curriculum vitae with names of
three references and a list of publications.

Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology, Personnel Department
Stübeweg 51,
79108 Freiburg,
or weigold@immunbio.mpg.de

Applications will be accepted until June 30, 2008.

For further information please contact
Prof. Dr. Rolf Kemler
Phone: +49-761-5108-471
Fax: +49-761-5108-474
e-mail: kemler@immunbio.mpg.de

Link: http://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/markt/gesetzt/S_08_04_a20.pdf