
The Division of Signal Transduction and Growth Control is searching for a Postdoctoral

The German Cancer Research Center is the largest biomedical
research institution in Germany. With more than 2100 employees,
we operate an extensive scientific program in the field of cancer

The Division of Signal Transduction and Growth Control is searching for a
Postdoctoral Fellow
(Ref-No. 34/2009)

The repair of cutaneous wounds is a complex, highly orchestrated
multi-cellular process ensuring the rapid restoration of the
integrity of an organism. To study signal transduction pathways
and genetic programs in wound healing we have employed 2D
and 3D organotypic co-culture systems containing cells from
genetically modified mice to identify an essential role of
transcription factor AP-1 (Fos/Jun), as well as AP-1-regulated
cytokines in cell-cell communication during wound healing
(Szabowski et al., 2000 Cell, 103, 745; Florin et al., 2005, J Cell
Sci 118,1981). Recently, a systems biology approach was
employed to unravel the network topology and simulate the
spatio-temporal regulatory network of gene expression controlling
epidermal cell migration during wound healing (Busch et al.,
2008, Mol Syst Biol 4, 199). To follow up on these findings we will
study cell-cell communication and gene programs implicated in
cell proliferation, migration and differentiation in order to define
genetic networks underlying wound healing pathology. The
project is embedded within the BMBF Initiative “Systems Biology
in Medicine, MedSys” focussing on the topic “Chronic Wounds”.
Thus, the successful candidate is also expected to coordinate/
participate in collaborative research activities with other groups
of the consortium.

Your profile:
– MD or PhD in Biology/Biochemistry
– excellent background/interest in molecular and cellular biology
of the skin
– basic knowledge of/ interest in bioinformatics and systems

The position is available immediately and limited until January 31,

For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Peter Angel,
phone 06221 42-4570.
The German Cancer Research Center is committed to increase
the representation of women in science and encourages
applications from qualified female scientists. Persons with
disabilities will be given preference among equally qualified

Please send your application to:
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
Personal- und Sozialwesen
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
69120 Heidelberg

Or apply online: www.dkfz.de

Doctoral studies beginning in October 2009 - The First Indo-German International Graduate School on „Molecular and Cellular Glyco-Sciences

First Indo-German International Graduate School

The First Indo-German International Graduate School on „Molecular and
Cellular Glyco-Sciences - MCGS“ has launched its first call for applications
for doctoral studies beginning in October 2009. Highly motivated students of
all nationalities with a strong background in natural or life sciences can apply
for a fellowship to pursue a demanding research project of their own design,
aiming at elucidating structure/function relationships of glyco- or glycointeracting
structures and their role in e.g. cell-cell communication, human or
plant disease progress or protection, etc. in selected top quality research
groups at Universities and Research Centres in Münster, Germany, and
Hyderabad, India.

MCGS is for you
· if you are interested in a research based career in the life sciences with
the clear goal of understanding basic principles to develop novel and
reliable applications e.g. in prevention or treatment of human diseases or
in crop plant protection;

· if you want to study in a scientifically stimulating environment together
with an international and interdisciplinary group of fellow doctoral

· if you want to be not only prepared for the intercultural challenges of the
21st century but to actively participate in shaping the transitions from
emerging to industrialised countries, from agricultural and industrial into
technology- and knowledge-based societies; and

· if you have a strong record of successful studies and scientific research
with clearly above average grades as well as proven social and
interpersonal interests and skills.

Please visit www.uni-muenster.de/MCGS for further information
call open until April 15, 2009

Postdoctoral Research Scientist (Immunology) at The Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research

The HZI, the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (www.helmholtz-hzi.de), seeks an experienced

Postdoctoral Research Scientist (Immunology)

for the Department of Vaccinology and Applied Microbiology to establish a
program to elucidate the mechanisms of action of mucosal adjuvants spinning
from our discovery pipeline, as well as the contribution of accessory cells and
the underlying mechanisms of cross talk between epithelial and immune cells.
The candidate must hold a PhD or equivalent in the area of immunology, documented
by publications. Expertise in the areas of memory, homing, signal
transduction or mucosal immunity will be considered as an advantage.
The Department has access to state of the art facilities for animal studies (SPF
up to BSL3), nucleic acid arrays platform, flow cytometry/sorting unit,
proteomics, NMR/mass spectrometry, and imaging (confocal, FESEM/TEM
and in vivo imaging).

Duration: The position is available for two years.
Starting date: The position is available immediately.
Salary: TVöD E13 + supplemented to E14

Informal inquiries should be directed to
Prof. Dr. Carlos A. Guzmán,
Phone: +49-531-61814600;
e-mail: carlos.guzman@helmholtz-hzi.de.

The Department of Molecular Membrane Biology has several openings for Post-doctoral

The Department of Molecular Membrane Biology has several openings for
Post-doctoral associates to work on the production, purification, and characterisation of selected

• G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and their functional complexes
and subsequent crystallization of these membrane proteins for structure
determination by X-ray crystallography.

Applications, including the names of two referees, should be sent, preferably
electronically (secretariat.michel@mpibp-frankfurt.mpg.de), to:

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Michel
Max Planck Institute of Biophysics
Max-von-Laue-Str. 3
60438 Frankfurt am Main

The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer,
and particularly encourages female applicants. It also tries to
increase the proportion of scientists with physical disabilities.
Respective applications are welcome.