
Academic Staff science students: Working Group deals with investigations of Mechanisms.

The Medical University Clinic Tübingen, Department of Internal Medicine II (focus: oncology, hematology,
Clinical Immunology, rheumatology and pulmonology;
Medical Director: Professor Dr. Lothar Kanz), is looking for Working one experimental immunotherapy
Academic Staff science students
E13/50% (w / m)
The Working Group deals with investigations of Mechanisms that mediated in the regulation of T-cell immunological processes are involved, as well as strategies to induce an effective anti-tumor immune response. In vitro and in vivo. Focal point are called
dendritic cells (DC). In this specific project immunosuppressive mechanisms will be analyzed at DC.
Desirable but not required, are experiences in the following areas: cell culture, flow cytometry, Western blotting, molecular biology.
The post is temporary initially for one year with the prospect to an extension. We offer payment by TV-L (Collective Agreement for the Public Service of the country) and all civil service usual benefits. Disabilities will be the same Suitability priority. As the University of Tuebingen an increase in the proportion of women in scientific Staff strives to be strong women
encouraged to apply. The setting is made on the business staff. The appointment is at Hochschulrechtlichen basis of the relevant provisions.
For questions please contact Mr. Dr. Frank Grünebach
(E-mail: frank.gruenebach @ med.uni-tuebingen.de, Tel:
07071/29-83692). Application deadline: 30.11.2009.
Create your written application, stating
The LA code 4028 to:
Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
Medical Clinic: Internal Medicine II - Hematology /
Oncology / Immunology / Rheumatology / Pulmonology
PD Dr. Frank Grünebach
Otfried-Müller-Str. 10

Postdoc position :The Neurological Clinic of the Technical University of Munich, Working Group Experimental Neuroimmunology

Wissenschaftliche / n Mitarbeiter / in (postdoc position)

The Neurological Clinic of the Technical University of Munich, Working Group Experimental Neuroimmunology (Director Dr. Thomas Korn) from awarding an immediate position for a / s

Wissenschaftliche / n Mitarbeiter / in (postdoc position).

Wanted, a / e Biologist / Biologist with advanced knowledge in molecular immunology. To be processed in the project will address issues of plasticity of pathogenic T cells and regulatory T cells in a mouse model of organ-specific autoimmunity in the central nervous system.

The project is funded over a period of at least 3 years by the German Research Foundation.


Dr. Th Korn (korn@lrz.tum.de)

Neurological Clinic of the Technical University of Munich
Ismaninger St. 22
81675 Munich

Tel: 089-41404606
Fax: 089-41404867