
Postdoc Position: Microinjection/Cellular reprogramming in Leipzig.

A postdoctoral position is available at the Stem Cell Biology working group at the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI) in Leipzig, Germany. The Institute is dedicated to developing therapeutic solutions in regenerative medicine, transitioning blue-sky, basic, and applied biomedical research into clinical application.

Focus of the research is the development of technologies for cellularde-differntiation and regeneration. The initial appointment will be for 2 years with the possibility of extension, starting from September/October 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position will be supported by a research assistant and other collaborators. The institute provides excellent facilities in cell culture, light-, confocal-microscopy, FACS, cell sorting, in vivo bioluminence imaging, molecular biology, histology, biorecators, RNnomcis, MRI cell tracking, immunology, and a great variety of animal models for different diseases. You will join a young, dynamic and multi-national team of internationally recognized scientists. You should have a good first degree in the Biological Sciences, Biomedicine, or a related field and a PhD in a relevant subject.

An appropriate combination of relevant education, experience and/or certifications will be considered.

You must have experience with microinjection/ nuclear transfer.
In addition, experience with some of the following is desirable: Real-time PCR, FACS & cell sorting, animal handling, MRI cell tracing, RNA array profiling, reprogramming, or methylation assays.

You must have a strong motivation to work both independently and as a team member in a highly interactive and dynamic research environment,
with a proven ability to conduct and publish research and an enthusiasm to learn and develop new techniques. You must possess a good command of the English Language. Applicants should send a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae, and contact details of at least two (preferably three) referees.

We regret that it may not be possible to inform all applicants.
Shortlisted candidates will be notified by September 15th at the latest.

Kontakt: Alexandra Stolzing (alexandra.stolzing@izi.fraunhofer.de), Fraunhofer Institut für Immunologie und Zelltherapie IZI, Perlickstraße 1, 04103 Leipzig , Tel.: +49 341 355363405

URL: http://www.izi.fraunhofer.de

1 Postdoc position – Cryopreservation/ Vitrification in Leipzig.

A postdoctoral position is available at the Stem Cell Biology working group at the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI) in Leipzig, Germany. The Institute is dedicated to developing therapeutic solutions in regenerative medicine, transitioning blue-sky, basic, and applied biomedical research into clinical application.

Focus of the research is the development of improved cryopreservation and storage techniques for cells and tissues. The initial appointment will be for 2 years with the possibility of extension, starting from January 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position will be supported by a research assistant and other collaborators. The Institute provides excellent facilities in cell culture, light-,confocal- microscopy, FACS, cell sorting, in vivo bioluminence imaging, molecular biology, histology, biorecators, RNnomcis, MRI cell tracking, immunology, and a great variety of animal models for different diseases. You will join a young, dynamic and multi-national team of internationally recognized scientists. You should have a good first degree in the Biological Sciences, Biomedicine, or a related field and a PhD in a relevant subject. An appropriate combination of relevant education, experience and/or certifications will be considered.

You must have experience in cryobiology and vitrification technology.
In addition, experience with some of the following is desirable:
Real-time PCR, FACS & cell sorting, fluoresence microscopy,
immunohistology (tissue), nanotechnology, polymers or skin tissue engineering.
Experience with secretomics, gene transfection studies, or siRNA applications may also be of benefit.

You must have a strong motivation to work both independently and as a team member in a highly interactive and dynamic research environment,with a proven ability to conduct and publish research and an enthusiasm to learn and develop new techniques. You must possess a good command of the English Language. Applicants should send a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae, and contact details of at least two (preferably three) referees.

We regret that it may not be possible to inform all applicants.
Shortlisted candidates will be notified by September 15th at the latest.
Kontakt: Dr. Stolzing, Alexandra (alexandra.stolzing@izi.fraunhofer.de), Fraunhofer Institut für Immunologie und zZelltherapie IZI, Perlickstraße 1, 04103 Leipzig , Tel.: +49 341 355363405
URL: http://www.fraunhofer.de

The International Graduate School of Cellular & Molecular Neuro - science at the University of Tübingen.

Invites applications for 3 PhD Scholarships in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience.

Highly qualified German and international graduates are invited to apply. The scholarships run for three years (1,500 € per month plus consumables and travel grants) and are funded by the Hertie Foundation (http://www.ghst.de). Students will perform their doctoral studies in the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research (http://www.hih-tuebingen.de/en/home/) or in affiliation with this institute. The
scholarship holders and their respective supervisors are expected to take an active role in the newly founded Graduate School of Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience.

Application deadline is August 31, 2008 Please submit the following documents to neuro.office@uni-tuebingen.de

1) Curriculum vitae
2) Statement of research interests
3) Name of two referees
4) Copy of degree certificate (Diplom or Master)
5) Transcript of records / Diplom-Zeugnis

For further questions, please contact Prof. Jucker at mathias.jucker@uni-tuebingen.de

The Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology at the Technical University Braunschweig

The Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology at the Technical University Braunschweig is offering a position for a PhD student (E13/2) for three years

The project (within the SFB 578 ”Vom Gen zum Produkt“) addresses the generation and modification of recombinant antibodies to be integrated in QCM based microsensor chips for point to care diagnosis. The project is a cooperation with the Institute for Microtechnology at the TU Braunschweig.

The position is available immediately. The candidate will have an excellent Diploma/Master degree in Biology, Biotechnology or Biochemistry with a focus on biochemistry and molecular biology. In case of equal qualifications, applications from women will be preferentially considered.

Applications to:

Prof. S. Dübel,

Technical University of Braunschweig,

Institute for Biochemistry and Biotechnology,

Spielmannstr. 7, D-38106

Braunschweig, Germany.

Further information: s.duebel@tu-bs.de