
In the Department of Pneumology of the University Hospital of Freiburg seeking for doctoral come biologists / biochemists / chemists

In the Department of Pneumology of the University Hospital of Freiburg, in the context
one by the BMBF-funded project (GOLDnet) to the quickest possible time a Thesis for the Biology / Molecular Medicine to forgive. As a doctoral come biologists / biochemists / chemists (m / w) in Question. The project deals with the Granulomentstehung under the Sarcoidosis. The central theme is the activation of macrophages by various pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs: TLR ligands, Cordfaktoren) and their contribution to Granulomformierung. The project is carried out in close cooperation with Prof. M. Freudenberg from the Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology, and part of the planned investigations will take place at the MPI. It is possible to a PhD program of the SFB620 and the CCI Freiburg participate. Their task is mainly the development and description of an already established mouse model to be sarcoidosis. Advantage in knowledge are Mouse model but not a requirement. The duration of the project amounts to 3 Years.

For more information, visit http:// ww.uniklinikfreiburg.com / pneumologie / live / forschung.

The office is at 2 years. Salary is according to tariff.
Please apply with the usual documents at the following address: PD
Dr. Antje Prasse, Department of Pneumology, Killianstraße 5, University Hospital
Freiburg, 79106 Freiburg. For further information please contact Dr. Antje
Prasse 0761/270-3720 phone or e-mail antje.prasse @ uniklinik-freiburg.de

Full-time positions are divisible, as far as official or legal reasons
does not allow this. Severely disabled persons with equal aptitude preferred
terminated. For the contents of this offer, each issuing institution
responsible. Appointments are made by the personnel department of the hospital.

Post-Doc in the Division of Cellular Allergology at Research Center Borstel Leibniz Center for Medicine and Biosciences

Research Center Borstel Leibniz Center for Medicine and Biosciences

In the Division of Cellular Allergology a position for a

Post-Doc (w/m)

will be available. The position will be financed for approx. years by the BMBF (Ministry
of Education and Research) within the framework of the program "Alternative methods for animal experiments".

The Division of Cellular Allergology focuses on the identification and molecular characterization of immunmodulatory molecules from parasitic worms and the investigation of their potential use for the therapy and prophylaxis of allergies and autoimmune diseases.

The project„In vitro culture of Schistosoma mansoni – culture dish instead of mammalian host” aims at establishing the complete mammalian part of the life cycle of schistosomes in
vitro. The current culture protocol in this lab allows propagating schistosomula in vitro
up to the adult stage including pairing and deposition of immature eggs. Now, it is
intended to further optimize the culture conditions to obtain fully mature eggs and
release of infective miracidia. In parallel, the technique of cryopreservation of live schistosomes will be optimized along with establishment of a schistosome bank. This will
allow the need-based access to infectious stages of the parasite and render continuous
maintenance of the parasite life cycle in laboratory animals unnecessary. In vitro culture
provides a highly effective tool for parasitological and immunological studies that for
example allows potential anti-schistosomal drugs to be tested by high-throughput procedures.

The project will both save animal lives and improve the cost efficiency ratio for
schistosome research.

Applicants should have a strong background in parasitology, immunology and/or biochemistry.

Experiences and technical skill in the maintenance of parasites and in vitro
culture systems are prerequisites. Candidates should be team workers with a high
degree of commitment and creativity. They should have a good command of English
and should be able to present scientific data in a transparent and competent manner.
Computer knowledge will be an advantage.

The Research Center Borstel supports the employment of disabled person. Person with
disabilities will, with appropriate qualifications and aptitudes, be employed preferentially.
The Research Center Borstel is an equal opportunity employer and women are encouraged
to apply.

Candidates should submit a CV and two reference letters to: Personnel Office of the
Research Center Borstel (Hilde Pump),

Keyword: PD Dr. Haas, Parkallee 2, 23845 Borstel,
E-mail: personalwesen@fz-borstel.de

Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg seeking for 2 Doktorandenstellen, 2 PhD Positions in topic “Participation of mast cells in pregnancy success?”

Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg - Medizinische Fakultät - Department of Experimental Obstetrics and Gynaecology

2 Doktorandenstellen, 2 PhD Positions (50 v. H.; Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L) 3 years, both prolongables

Topic: “Participation of mast cells in pregnancy success?”

The 2 PhD positions available are granted within the budget from a DFG-funded project
which has as main aim to investigate whether mast cells contribute to pregnancy success,
contrary to the so far known theories but accordingly with the breakthrough new data published for transplantation. We do believe that investigating the participation of MC and MC-related genes in Treg-induced tolerance during pregnancy will contribute to the knowledge of the basic mechanisms regulating immune tolerance during pregnancy, a major biological question with tremendous medical implications in other fields such as transplantation and tumor research.

We expect theoretical knowledge as well as practical experience in reproductive biology or
immunology and molecular biology, very good English skills, team spirit and the ability of
working independently. The position is open for biologists, biochemists, biotechnologist or
scientists with equal qualification (MSc) willing to perform their PhD in our department.

Solid knowledge in molecular biological and immunological methods is expected. The methods include flow cytometry, embedding in paraffin, cryosection, immunohistochemistry, cell culture among others. Furthermore it is of advantage to have experience with in vivo models (mouse, rat).

Severely disabled persons are with the same qualification considered. Women are especially
requested to make an application.

Applicants should submit their applications (consisting in curriculum vitae, certificates, motivation letter, publications, and two referees) until 31st August 2009 to:
Prof. Dr. Ana Zenclussen
Experimentelle Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe
Medizinische Fakultät, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität
Haus 103 (Villa)
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Str. 35
39108 Magdeburg, Germany
or per E-Mail to: ana.zenclussen@med.ovgu.de

The Institute of Genetics, University of Cologne seeking for PhD Student / Doctoral.

As a modern, maximum care hospital, we are among the leading University hospitals in Germany. Our 6,800 employees offer more than 59 powerful hospitals, specialized centers and institutes an optimal Patient care and professional education and training. With
approximately 1,300 beds, we are one of the largest hospitals in the region. Our international reputation stems from the interplay of high medical with the fulfillment of academic responsibilities in research and teaching.

The Institute of Genetics, University of Cologne, Department of Mouse Genetics and metabolism, Prof. Dr. Jens C. Brüning, seeking, Expiration to 30.06.2011 (with possibility of extension up to 30.06.2013) and, in part, within the framework of the SFB 832 "Molecular Basis and modulation of cellular Interactions in the Tumor Micro environment "PhD Student / Doctoral.

The project deals with the generation of a Luciferase Reporter Mouse and the Establishment of imaging methods for the analysis of the tumor micro-environment. Experience with methods of modern mouse genetics, working with cell cultures and molecular biological techniques are required, as well very good knowledge of English.

The classification is based on grade 13 of the TV-L. The Board of the University Hospital of Cologne, the women aim. For the proportion of women in this field to increase, applications are warmly welcomed by women and for equal suitability, qualifications and preferred professional performance, unless the person of a Competitor lying reasons predominate.

Applications from severely disabled people are welcome and are equally qualified preferred.
The work area is to be occupied with part-time staff in principle suitable.

For telephone information please contact
Dr. Lichtenberg by calling (0221) 470-3410 is available.

For more information visit: http://www.genetik.uni-koeln.de/

Have we awakened your interest? Then send your meaningful and
Please complete application until 31.07.2009 preferred by e-mail summary
in a pdf file at: u.lichtenberg@uni-koeln.de

or on the Post to:
Institute of Genetics, University of Cologne
Dr. Ursula Lichtenberg
Tender No.: e152
Zülpicher Str 47, 50674 Cologne

University of Würzburg Postdoctoral position

University of Würzburg Postdoctoral position

A postdoctoral position is available within the CRU216
„Characterization of the Oncogenic Signaling Network in Multiple Myeloma:
Development of Targeted Therapies“ (supported by the DFG)

Institute: Institute for Virology and Immunobiology,
Department of Immunology (chair: Prof. Dr. T. Hünig)
Location: Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany
Duration: 3 years (starting July 1st, 2009)

Summary of the project: Despite the fact that CD28 is predominantly expressed on aggressive variants of MM, little is known about the signaling network of CD28 in these cells. In the current project, we will examine the influence of CD28 signals on human MM cell lines and primary MM samples. Additionally, in a transgenic mouse
model closely recapitulating features of human MM, we will study the
role of CD28 in proliferation, differentiation and homing.
Person to contact: Interested candidates are invited to send their CV
and a summary of their latest research to: PD Dr. Ingolf Berberich
(berberich.i@uni-wuerzburg.de, phone: +49 931 201 49 930). Please
include the phone numbers and email addresses of 2 referees.

The University of Würzburg seeks to increase the number of women in
those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly
encourages applications from female scientists. The University of Würzburg
is an equal opportunity employer and will give preference to disabled
candidates having the same qualifications as their competitors.

The Technical University of Munich invites applications for Postdoc and Phd position.

The research group “Modelling and Imaging Pancreatic Cancer using
Conditional Mouse Models” (Head: Dr. Jens Siveke) in the II. Medical
Department at the Klinikum rechts der Isar (Gastroenterology) of the
Technical University of Munich invites applications for

a Postdoctoral Position (f/m) and a PhD Position (f/m)

Area of research: Our group is studying the biology of pancreatic diseases and in particular pancreatic cancer using conditional mouse models. For this project (“Evaluation of therapeutic strategies and monitoring through multi modal imaging in genetically engineered mice with endogenous pancreatic cancer“) within the newly formed SFB 824 “Imaging for the Selection,
Monitoring and Individualisation of Cancer Therapy” we are particularly interested in studying multimodal imaging such as MRT and PET as well as molecular imaging during development and therapy of pancreatic cancer in complex mouse models. Our interdisciplinary approach ranges from mouse genetics and molecular medicine to applying therapeutic studies in a preclinical setting using multiple imaging modalities.

Key References:

Siveke JT, Einwächter H, Lubeseder-Martellato C, Sipos B, Klöppel G,
Schmid RM. Concomitant pancreatic activation of KrasG12D and Tgfa
results in cystic papillary neoplasms reminiscent of human IPMN. Cancer
Cell. 2007;12:266-279.

Siveke JT, Schmid RM. Chromosomal instability in mouse metastatic pancreatic
cancer--it's Kras and Tp53 after all. Cancer Cell. 2005;7:405-7.

Siveke JT, Lubeseder-Martellato C, Lee M, Mazur PK, Nakhai H, Radtke
F, Schmid RM. Notch signaling is required for exocrine regeneration after
acute pancreatitis. Gastroenterology. 2008;134:544-55.

Prerequisite: Applicants must have a Ph.D. and/or M.D. postdoctoral training. A strong background in mouse genetics working techniques, molecular biology and molecular imaging will be of advantage. The ideal applicant is a very motivated and goal-oriented scientist.

Payment is according to tariff (TV-L).

We give priority to applicants with a disability and essentially equal qualifications.

Starting date: The position is available as from August 2009 but later starting dates are possible.

Duration: Initially for 4 years with an option for extension.

Apply to: Please send your application (including CV, list of publications, and 2-3 references)

preferentially by Email to:
Dr. Jens Siveke
II. Medizinische Klinik (Gastroenterologie),
Technische Universität München,
Ismaninger Straße 22, 81675 München.


At the University of Medicine, the following positions: In the Medical Clinic, Endocrinology and metabolic disorders

At the University of Medicine, the following positions:
In the Medical Clinic, Specialty: Endocrinology and metabolic disorders from now on, initially temporary for one year 1 veterinary medical technician Assistant (m / w) (ratio 172/09)

The group deals with, inter alia, new approaches to therapy diabetes type 1 and 2nd

Your Responsibilities:

• The focus of your activity is on the isolation of murine and procinen Langerhans islet cells as well as on the implementation of cellular assays (ELISA, FACS). After thorough training to work
They largely function independently within your area.

• Team-oriented, careful work and interest in science Questions are provided. Knowledge in the above Techniques are desirable, we are happy but also about applications of young professionals, respectively.

• We offer an interesting and responsible work in well equipped Laboratory spaces.

The compensation is based on the TV-L of the relevant fee per group once the personal and collective circumstances. Moreover We offer all the benefits of public service.

Contact to e-mail: weyande@uni-mainz.de

With appropriate suitability are severely preferred.
Full-time positions may also busy with part-time staff that their Working according to the needs of each vote.

Applications including the usual documents are processed within two weeks specifying the code sent to :
the University of Medicine of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz,
Human Resources Service Center,
55131 Mainz, Germany.

From the living room Mainz can your children from 3 Birthday
during working hours in the "Villa Kinderhaus Nees' care.
the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz - public corporation