
Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC) 9 PhD Biology student in Germany ‏

The Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC) is funded by the German Excellence Initiative. It conceptionally combines different research areas (microbial communities, interactions with plant, animal and human hosts and environmental interactions) to a comprehensive picture of microbial communication (www.jsmc.uni-jena.de). JSMC is an ambitious Graduate School prospectively comprising 150 PhD students who will be educated in a structured, interdisciplinary training program based on top-level fundamental research. Four faculties of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, six non-university research institutions as well as twelve partner companies are participating in this cutting edge research and training program which includes an innovative PhD program, career development and intensive sociocultural care. Three embedded existing Research Training Groups as well as twelve other cooperative research projects are engaged to incorporate novel research areas to achieve a complete view of microbial communication.

We invite applications for
9 PhD Fellowships.

The positions are immediately available.

We expect:

* an equivalent of a Master’s degree in Natural or Life Sciences (e.g. Biology, Earth Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Bioinformatics, or Medicine). Candidates about to earn their degree are welcome to apply.
* high motivation and interest to join one of the interdisciplinary research areas of JSMC
* creativity and interest to shape your own thesis project
* an integrative and cooperative personality
* very good communication skills in English

We offer:

* a top-level research environment
* a PhD stipend paid according to the rules of the DFG (German Research Foundation) as well as generous research funding
* a periodic research report system
* efficient supervision by a team of two supervisors
* a comprehensive mentoring program
* courses in novel technologies and soft skills
* a highly communicative atmosphere between the involved institutions and companies
* Jena - the German City of Science 2008: a young and lively city with dynamic business activities, successful scientific centers of innovation and a vibrant cultural scene around the famous Friedrich Schiller University

Friedrich Schiller University Jena is an equal opportunity employer.

For the first step of the application procedure please aquaint yourself with the scientific themes offered on our website


and thoroughly fill in the "Statement of Interest" downloadable from this site. The application procedure is handled online exclusively via the JSMC website. Applications can only be considered upon receipt of the completed "Statement of Interest" form submitted to JSMC@uni-jena.deThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Deadline for submission of the completed “Statement of Interest” form: October 6th, 2008.

Successful applicants will be invited to attend the JSMC Recruitment Meeting in December 2008.

Postdoc Position: Microinjection/Cellular reprogramming in Leipzig.

A postdoctoral position is available at the Stem Cell Biology working group at the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI) in Leipzig, Germany. The Institute is dedicated to developing therapeutic solutions in regenerative medicine, transitioning blue-sky, basic, and applied biomedical research into clinical application.

Focus of the research is the development of technologies for cellularde-differntiation and regeneration. The initial appointment will be for 2 years with the possibility of extension, starting from September/October 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position will be supported by a research assistant and other collaborators. The institute provides excellent facilities in cell culture, light-, confocal-microscopy, FACS, cell sorting, in vivo bioluminence imaging, molecular biology, histology, biorecators, RNnomcis, MRI cell tracking, immunology, and a great variety of animal models for different diseases. You will join a young, dynamic and multi-national team of internationally recognized scientists. You should have a good first degree in the Biological Sciences, Biomedicine, or a related field and a PhD in a relevant subject.

An appropriate combination of relevant education, experience and/or certifications will be considered.

You must have experience with microinjection/ nuclear transfer.
In addition, experience with some of the following is desirable: Real-time PCR, FACS & cell sorting, animal handling, MRI cell tracing, RNA array profiling, reprogramming, or methylation assays.

You must have a strong motivation to work both independently and as a team member in a highly interactive and dynamic research environment,
with a proven ability to conduct and publish research and an enthusiasm to learn and develop new techniques. You must possess a good command of the English Language. Applicants should send a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae, and contact details of at least two (preferably three) referees.

We regret that it may not be possible to inform all applicants.
Shortlisted candidates will be notified by September 15th at the latest.

Kontakt: Alexandra Stolzing (alexandra.stolzing@izi.fraunhofer.de), Fraunhofer Institut für Immunologie und Zelltherapie IZI, Perlickstraße 1, 04103 Leipzig , Tel.: +49 341 355363405

URL: http://www.izi.fraunhofer.de

1 Postdoc position – Cryopreservation/ Vitrification in Leipzig.

A postdoctoral position is available at the Stem Cell Biology working group at the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI) in Leipzig, Germany. The Institute is dedicated to developing therapeutic solutions in regenerative medicine, transitioning blue-sky, basic, and applied biomedical research into clinical application.

Focus of the research is the development of improved cryopreservation and storage techniques for cells and tissues. The initial appointment will be for 2 years with the possibility of extension, starting from January 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position will be supported by a research assistant and other collaborators. The Institute provides excellent facilities in cell culture, light-,confocal- microscopy, FACS, cell sorting, in vivo bioluminence imaging, molecular biology, histology, biorecators, RNnomcis, MRI cell tracking, immunology, and a great variety of animal models for different diseases. You will join a young, dynamic and multi-national team of internationally recognized scientists. You should have a good first degree in the Biological Sciences, Biomedicine, or a related field and a PhD in a relevant subject. An appropriate combination of relevant education, experience and/or certifications will be considered.

You must have experience in cryobiology and vitrification technology.
In addition, experience with some of the following is desirable:
Real-time PCR, FACS & cell sorting, fluoresence microscopy,
immunohistology (tissue), nanotechnology, polymers or skin tissue engineering.
Experience with secretomics, gene transfection studies, or siRNA applications may also be of benefit.

You must have a strong motivation to work both independently and as a team member in a highly interactive and dynamic research environment,with a proven ability to conduct and publish research and an enthusiasm to learn and develop new techniques. You must possess a good command of the English Language. Applicants should send a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae, and contact details of at least two (preferably three) referees.

We regret that it may not be possible to inform all applicants.
Shortlisted candidates will be notified by September 15th at the latest.
Kontakt: Dr. Stolzing, Alexandra (alexandra.stolzing@izi.fraunhofer.de), Fraunhofer Institut für Immunologie und zZelltherapie IZI, Perlickstraße 1, 04103 Leipzig , Tel.: +49 341 355363405
URL: http://www.fraunhofer.de

The International Graduate School of Cellular & Molecular Neuro - science at the University of Tübingen.

Invites applications for 3 PhD Scholarships in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience.

Highly qualified German and international graduates are invited to apply. The scholarships run for three years (1,500 € per month plus consumables and travel grants) and are funded by the Hertie Foundation (http://www.ghst.de). Students will perform their doctoral studies in the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research (http://www.hih-tuebingen.de/en/home/) or in affiliation with this institute. The
scholarship holders and their respective supervisors are expected to take an active role in the newly founded Graduate School of Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience.

Application deadline is August 31, 2008 Please submit the following documents to neuro.office@uni-tuebingen.de

1) Curriculum vitae
2) Statement of research interests
3) Name of two referees
4) Copy of degree certificate (Diplom or Master)
5) Transcript of records / Diplom-Zeugnis

For further questions, please contact Prof. Jucker at mathias.jucker@uni-tuebingen.de

The Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology at the Technical University Braunschweig

The Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology at the Technical University Braunschweig is offering a position for a PhD student (E13/2) for three years

The project (within the SFB 578 ”Vom Gen zum Produkt“) addresses the generation and modification of recombinant antibodies to be integrated in QCM based microsensor chips for point to care diagnosis. The project is a cooperation with the Institute for Microtechnology at the TU Braunschweig.

The position is available immediately. The candidate will have an excellent Diploma/Master degree in Biology, Biotechnology or Biochemistry with a focus on biochemistry and molecular biology. In case of equal qualifications, applications from women will be preferentially considered.

Applications to:

Prof. S. Dübel,

Technical University of Braunschweig,

Institute for Biochemistry and Biotechnology,

Spielmannstr. 7, D-38106

Braunschweig, Germany.

Further information: s.duebel@tu-bs.de

The Center of Experimental Medicine, Institute of Tumor Biology invites applications for the post of Scientist (Postdoctoral Researcher).

The Center of Experimental Medicine, Institute of Tumor Biology invites applications for

the post of Scientist (Postdoctoral Researcher)

The initial contract is for three years (depending on the release of funds), and further
extension is possible. The position is vacant and the successful candidate can begin
immediately. The project “Detection of metastatic founder cells for stratification and
monitoring of systemic therapies in cancer patients” is funded by the Federal Ministry
of Education and Research and focuses on molecular diagnostics in cancer. The aim
of the project is to assess the biological potential of these cells in order to enable a
more precise prediction of the prognosis and to assess the need for adjuvant therapy
in individual cancer patients. The project leaders, Prof. Pantel and Prof. Burkhardt,
have profound experience in experimental and clinical studies on tumour dissemination
and cancer micro-metastasis (Nature Rev. Cancer 8, 329-340, 2008).

Job description: The successful applicant will work as part of an experienced team of
senior scientists and technicians and have the opportunity of working on the development
of a new diagnostic platform for the detection and molecular characterization of
metastating stem cells in cancer patients. There is the opportunity of building up a
research group which will be driven by the applicant’s innovative skills and commitment
to the project.

Profile: Applicants holding a PhD or MD/PhD in biology, biochemistry or medicine,
and who have profound knowledge in experimental medical research with a focus on
molecular biology and/or immunology should apply.

For further information, please contact Mrs Pakusa, Administrative Office, Institute for
Tumour Biology, phone: +49-40-428033503.

The University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf appoints its personnel according to
eligibility, aptitude and professional skills. Disabled candidates will be given preference
in the case of equal qualifications. The University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
supports equal opportunities for women, and women are encouraged to apply.

Please send your full application until June 23rd, 2008 to the Universitätsklinikum
Hamburg-Eppendorf, GB Personal & Organisation, Frau Schild, PPO 5,
Kzf.: 2008-06/171; Martinistr. 52, 20246 Hamburg

International PhD Program Tübingen, Fall 2008 in The Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology and the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory in Tübingen.

International PhD Program Tübingen, Fall 2008

The Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology and the
Friedrich Miescher Laboratory in Tübingen, Germany, invite applications
for PhD positions in following areas:

Cell Biology
Developmental Genetics
Structural Biology
Quantitative Genetics
Plant Development
Evolutionary Biology

Highly qualified applicants from all countries are invited to apply. All
applicants must hold or anticipate to receive a Diploma or Masters
degree by the time of their start as a PhD student in our institutes.
Candidates have to be fluent in written and spoken English (GRE compulsory
for non European candidates). The positions are funded by
Max Planck Fellowships.

Application form, evaluation forms (2 needed) and all details about our
online registration are available at http://www.eb.tuebingen.mpg.de/

Application deadline is July 13, 2008.

After the review of completed
applications selected candidates will be invited for personal interviews
in Tübingen during September 3-5, 2008.

Postdoc/Junior Group Leader in Molecular Plant Sciences in University of Bonn,

The Institute of Cellular and Molecular Botany (IZMB, http://izmb.de)
University of Bonn, Germany, invites applications for the position as
Postdoc/Junior Group Leader in Molecular Plant Sciences
(wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, paid according to E 13 TVL)

starting at October 1, 2008. Applicants must hold a PhD degree (Dr. rer.
nat.) in Botany/Plant Sciences, should have some post doc experience
(1-3 years), a good publication record and teaching experiences.
We seek a highly motivated and qualified person with a research focus
in either plant-microbe interaction, molecular plant physiology, plant
cell biology, or plant biotechnology. The successful candidate is expec -
ted to participate in the M.Sc. Plant Sciences degree programme with
a teaching obligation of 4SWS.

A laboratory with basic equipment for plant molecular and cell biological
work is available and additional equipment may be shared with the
other research groups in the institute. The junior group leader will be
supported by a part time technician, a student teaching assistant, and a
moderate budget to cover the most basic expenses. Additional thirdparty
fund sources will have to be developed by the successful candidate.
The initial contract runs for 3 years with the possibility of renewal for maximally
3 more years. The jobholder will be entitled to a local commuter
“Job-Ticket” available from the public utility company, Bonn.
The University of Bonn is an equal opportunities employer. Preference
will be given to suitably qualified women or handicapped people, all other
considerations being equal.

Applicants for the academic position are expected to submit a cover letter,
CV, list of publications, description of research activities/projects and
teaching experience, final grade certificates and names of three referees.
Please address your application to:

Managing Director
Institute of Cellular and Molecular Botany
University of Bonn
Kirschallee 1
D-53115 Bonn

The deadline for applications is July 1, 2008.

A group leader position and a postdoctoral position in the Department of Developmental Immunology.

A group leader position and a postdoctoral position
are available in the Department of Developmental Immunology.
Current research in the department focuses on the evolution of the adaptive
immune system and the development of the thymic microenvironment (See
our web-site at http://www.immunbio.mpg.de/home/research/immun/

Applicants for the group leader position should have completed internationally
recognized post-doctoral research and will be free to choose topics complementary
to the current activities in the department. Innovative research proposals
involving quantitative and/or synthetic approaches to the function of the
immune system or model organisms not yet represented in the department
are particularly welcome.

The group leader position is for an initial 5-year appointment with the
possibility of extension. Technical support and funds for one PhD student
or postdoctoral fellow plus consumables will be provided; applicants are
encouraged to obtain outside funding. Payment and social benefits will be
in accordance with the regulations of the German TVoeD (salary agreement
for public service employees). Group leaders have full access to the excellent
animal (zebrafish/mouse), cell sorting, sequencing and imaging facilities of
the institute.

Applicants for the post-doctoral post should have experience in molecular
biology/immunology and an excellent publication record. The post-doctoral
fellow is expected to work on aspects of the evolution of the immune system
using mice and flies as model systems. Previous experience in fly genetics
is welcome but not essential.

In order to increase the proportion of female staff members, applications
from female scientists are particularly encouraged. The Max-Planck Society
strives to offer more employment for the disabled. Disabled candidates are
encouraged to apply. A childcare facility is attached to the Institute. Parttime
employment is possible.

Applicants should send their CV, list of publications and a brief statement
of research plans and arrange for 3 reference letters to be sent with the
index number 020408 to the Max-Planck Institute of Immunobiology,
Personnel Department, Stuebeweg 51, D-79108 Freiburg, Germany
(weigold@immunbio.mpg.de). Informal inquiries should be directed to Thomas
Boehm (boehm@immunbio.mpg.de). Applications will be accepted until the
vacancy is filled.

1 PhD student /1 Postdoctoral Fellow in The Department of Nephrology at the University Hospital Freiburg.

We are extending our research group focused on the elucidation of signaling
pathways during renal development and disease, and offer PhD and postdoctoral
positions to qualified scientists with experience in molecular and/
or developmental biology. Highly motivated PhD students with a master/ diploma
degree in biology, biochemistry or related life sciences are welcome
to apply. The positions are immediately available at the Center for Clinical
Research / Molecular Nephrology (Director: Prof. Dr. Walz). As part of a
multidisciplinary team you will work closely with model organisms such C.
elegans, zebrafish, Xenopus and mice, and combine animal work with stateof-
the art molecular biology and imaging studies. The candidates should have
excellent communication and team skills, be fluent in either German or
English, and be enthusiastic about applying cutting edge molecular and developmental
biology to address medical problems and their therapies.

The position is immediately available for a period of 2-6 years.
Salary according to E13 (postdoc) and E13/2 (PhD student).
Further information can be found at http://www.nephrolab.org
Applications (English/German), including a full CV, summary of the master/
diploma thesis, and name and address of two references, should be submitted
by mail or e-mail to:

Prof. Dr. Gerd Walz
Universitaetsklinikum Freiburg
Medizinische Klinik IV- Nephrologie/Allgemeinmedizin
Hugstetterstrasse 55
79106 Freiburg
Tel +49 761 270-3251
Fax -3245,

Please add the internal reference number 4906 to your application.

10 Ph. D. studentships starting autumn 2008

Deadline for admission is July 31, 2008

The GSfBS will provide you with an excellent scientific environment
and an outstanding curriculum for your doctorate. Faculty members
listed below do research in molecular genetics, functional genomics,
cell biology, evolutionary biology, biotechnology and biochemistry in
a variety of model organisms. Details of the training and research
programme can be found on the website. We invite you to apply for
a position in the graduate school in Cologne, the exciting city in the
heart of Europe.

For further information please visit our web site at:



Dr. Isabell Witt
Graduate School for Biological Sciences,
Zülpicher Strasse 47,
50674 Cologne

E-mail: isabell.witt@uni-koeln.de
Tel: +49 (0)221 470 1683

Marcel Bucher
Jürgen Dohmen
Ulf-Ingo Flügge
Ute Höcker
Thorsten Hoppe
Jonathan Howard
Martin Hülskamp
Reinhard Krämer
Christian Kubisch
Thomas Langer
Maria Leptin
Michael Melkonian
Carien Niessen
Siegfried Roth
Björn Schumacher
Günther Schwarz
Aleksandra Trifunovic
Mirka Uhlirova
Brunhilde Wirth

PhD in Neurobiology/Functional Genomics at University of Heidelberg.

Applications are invited for a vacant PhD position (starting as soon as possible,
TVL13/2) to join a dynamic research group (Functional Genomics, headed
by Prof. Ulrike Müller) at the Institute for Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology
IPMB, University of Heidelberg.

Our research group is interested in the physiological and pathological function
of proteins involved in Alzheimer´s disease, in particular proteins of the
amyloid precursor protein APP gene family (e.g. Herms et al., The EMBO J.
23: 4106; Ring et al. J. Neuroscience, 27, 7817). Although APP and its metabolism
is central to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer´s disease the physiological
and normal cell biological functions of APP family proteins are poorly
understood. Current projects focus on the role of APP family proteins in the
nervous system including the generation, function and maintenance of synapses.
These studies will involve work with gene targeted mouse mutants
and cells derived from them that are studied by biochemical, cell biological
and immunocytochemical methods. Applicants should be highly motivated
and hold a degree in Neurobiology, Biology, Medicine or Biochemistry. Experience
in neurobiology, cell biology or biochemistry including the analysis of
transgenic mice are an advantage.

The University of Heidelberg strongly encourages qualified women scholars to apply.
Handicapped persons with the same equivalent qualifications will be given preference.
If interested please send a short application including CV, statement of research
experience and interests, publications and names of two referees to

Prof. Ulrike Müller,
Institute for Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology IPMB
University of Heidelberg,
Im Neuenheimer Feld 364,
69120 Heidelberg

Tel: +49-6221-546717 (Büro), -5821 (Sekretariat)


A postdoctoral position is currently available at the Clinical Research Group for MS and Neuroimmunology located at the University of Wuerzburg

Call for applications for a postdoctoral position, Call for applications for a postdoctoral position: immuneregulation in the CNS (TV-L equivalent to BATIIa)

A postdoctoral position is currently available at the Clinical Research Group for MS and Neuroimmunology located at the University of Wuerzburg, Department of Neurology. We are looking for a creative and motivated postdoc with ambitious career interest and experience in immunology.
The work is related to the fundamental mechanisms of immune regulation in the central nervous system, especially the role of novel coinhibitory molecules of the B7-family and the interaction of CNS-antigen-presenting relation with regulatory T cells. Approaches cover experimental animal models using conditional transgenes and ablatable systems as well as various techniques in human cellular and molecular immunology.
The work is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG as part of the Sonderforschungsbereich 581 (Molecular models of nervous system diseases). Please send a letter of application including curriculum vitae, certificates and names and addresses of potential referees to:

Heinz Wiendl, MD
Professor of Neurology and Head of the Clinical Research Group for Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology
Department of Neurology, University of Wuerzburg
Josef-Schneider-Straße 11
97080 Wuerzburg
Tel.: + 49-931-201-23755
Fax.: + 49-931-201-23488
E-mail: heinz.wiendl@klinik.uni-wuerzburg.de

Secretary for the Clinical Research Group for MS and Neuroimmunology
Tel.: +49-9 31-2 01-2 37 56

Recent literature:

Magnus T, Schreiner B, Korn T, Jack C, Hong G, Antel J, Ifergan I, Chen L, Bischof F, Bar-Or A, Wiendl H. Microglial expression of the B7-family member B7-H1 confers strong immune inhibition: implications for immune responses and autoimmunity in the CNS. J Neuroscience 2005; 25(10):2537-2546
Feger U, Tolosa E, Huang Y, Waschbisch A, Biedermann T, Melms A, Wiendl H. HLA-G expression defines a novel regulatory T cell subset present in human peripheral blood and sites of inflammation. Blood. 2007; 110(2):568-77
Meuth SG, Bittner S, Meuth P, Simon OJ, Budde T, Wiendl H. TWIK-related acid sensitive K+ channel 1 (TASK1) and TASK3 critically influence T lymphocyte effector functions. J Biol Chem. 2008; Epub ahead of print
Zozulya A, Wiendl H. Mechanisms of disease: the role of regulatory T cells and dendritic cells in Multiple sclerosis. Nature Reviews Clin Practice, In press
Lafon M, Megret F, Meuth SG, Romero M, Lafage M, Chen L, Aleopoulou L, Flavell R, Prehaud C, Wiendl H. Detrimental contribution of the immunoinhibitor B7-H1 to rabies virus encephalitis. J Immunol. In press
Ortler S, Leder C, Mittelbronn M, Zozulya A, Knolle P, Chen L, Kroner A, Wiendl H. B7-H1 modulates neuroantigen-specific T cell responses and confines inflammatory CNS damage: implications for the lesion pathogenesis of Multiple sclerosis. Eur J Immunol. In press

Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Heinz Wiendl (heinz.wiendl@klinik.uni-wuerzburg.de), Neurologische Klinik der Universität Würzburg, Josef-Schneider-Straße 11, 97080 Würzburg , Tel.: 0931-201-23756 , FAX: 0931-201-23488
URL: http://www.klinik.uni-wuerzburg.de/neurologie

The Center for Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Research (ZBMZ) at the Elite University Freiburg is seeking for 3 Postdocs and 2 PhD Students

The Center for Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Research (ZBMZ) at the Elite
University Freiburg is seeking for 3 Postdocs and 2 PhD Students in Apoptosis Research
in the groups of Prof. Dr. Christoph Borner and Dr. Ulrich Maurer

Topics for the postdocs:
• Role of cathepsins in apoptosis
• Function of a novel class of Bcl-2 family proteins (AG Maurer)
• Rebuilding apoptosis signaling in yeast (in the frame of the Center for
Biological Signalling Studies (bioss) funded by the Excellence Initiative)

Topics for the PhD students:
• Mechanisms of apoptosis induction by alphaviruses
• Mechanisms of FasL-induced apoptosis in primary mouse hepatocytes

Broad knowledge of biochemical, molecular and cellular biology is required, experience in mouse work is an advantage and genuine interest in an academic career is a must. We offer excellent working conditions in a stimulating scientific environment which includes the newly created Center of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Research (ZBMZ), the Excellence Initiative funded Research Cluster bioss and the Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM) as well as access to central core facilities in proteomics, genomics, imaging and system
biology at the Center for Biosystems Analysis (ZBSA).

Applications include CV, publication list, motivation letter and names and contact
information of three references, and can be sent by e-mail or postal mail to:

Prof. Christoph Borner
Institute of Molecular Medicine, ZBMZ,
Stefan Meier Str. 17,

For further informations see www.mol-med.uni-freiburg.de.

Closing date: May 15,2008.

Research and teaching at the graduate and postgraduate level is in English.

Link: http://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/markt/gesetzt/S_08_04_a44.pdf

5 grants for doctoral thesis in Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, University Hospital Heidelberg.

Within a new postgraduate program “Differential activation and integration
of signaling modules within the immune system“, funded by the postgraduate
education program of Baden-Württemberg,

5 grants for doctoral thesis

beginning mid 2008 and with a 3-year duration are available.
The purpose of the program is the analysis of interactions between different
signaling cascades in cells of the innate and the adaptive immune
system. The work will focus on immunology, molecular and cellular
biology. Successful candidates will have an excellent track record and will
be highly motivated with a deep interest in Immunology and signal transduction.

We offer a well-structured and coordinated immunological
education program. We will provide excellent training in many aspects of
molecular and cellular Immunology in a well-equipped environment and
a positive working atmosphere.

Further information on the program and the application procedure can be
found at our website: www.immunesignaling.uni-hd.de

Applications should be sent by e-mail as a single pdf-file to:

Speaker of the program:

Prof. Dr. A. Dalpke,
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, University Hospital Heidelberg,
Im Neuenheimer Feld 324,

Link: http://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/markt/gesetzt/S_08_04_a23.pdf

Postdoctoral position at The Division of Structural Biology at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig/Germany

The Division of Structural Biology at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig/Germany invites applications for a Postdoctoral position

Planned project: Crystal structure determination of complex multi -modular assembly lines from Myxobacteria

Area of research: Structural biology, natural compound chemistry

Methods: State-of-the-art techniques in recombinant DNA technology (PCR, cloning, protein expression systems, site-directed mutagenesis), protein biochemistry (ÄKTA protein purification, protein analytics, crystallization of proteins), X-ray structural analysis (data collection, structure solution, model building and refinement), structure-function studies on proteins

Prerequisite: PhD in biochemistry, biology or chemistry. Profound experience in protein biochemisty and recombinant DNA technology mandatory. Experience in protein crystallography/structural biology will be advantageous.

Starting date: The position is immediately available but later starting dates are also possible.

Duration: Initially for 3 years with an option for extension

Apply to: Applications marked for Code 15/2008
should be sent by May 31st, 2008 to:

Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research,
Inhoffenstrasse 7,

Applications should contain a CV, list of publications,
copies of certificates and contact information for two
letters of recommendation

Information: For further information please feel free to contact
Prof. Dr. Dirk Heinz (dirk.heinz@helmholtz-hzi.de,
phone: +49(0)531-6181-7000)

Link: http://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/markt/gesetzt/S_08_04_a14.pdf

Post-doc Positions at Goethe University Medical School, Frankfurt, Germany.

Post-doc Positions
at the Institute of Biochemistry II, Goethe University Medical School,
Frankfurt, Germany.

The Institute of Biochemistry II is an interdisciplinary department
focused on signal transduction research. It is equipped with modern
facilities and offers the opportunity to work with leading scientists
in an international and team-oriented environment. Group leaders
include Ivan Dkic, Metello Innocenti, Werner Müller-Esterl, Krishna
Rajalingam, and Ritva Tikkanen. For more information, please visit
our website: http://www.biochem2.de.

We are seeking highly motivated scientists with strong interests in
(I) regulation of actin dynamics, (II) modulation of protein function
through ubiquitylation and (III) signal transduction in embryonic
development. Experience with standard techniques in molecular
biology, protein biochemistry and tissue culture is required. Knowledge
of imaging techniwues will be considered as a plus. Although
English is the official language of the institute, good German
language skills are welcome.

The positions are available initially for a period of 3 years; salary is
according to German BAT IIa (up to 45.000 € p.a. depending on
previous experience).

The legal provisions of the ”Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz“ (law
regulating time limited contracts for scientists) and the ”Hessische
Hochschulgesetz“ (Hessian Law for Higher Education) apply.
Qualified women are partricularly encouraged to apply.

Formal applications should include a letter stating your interests, a
full CV and the names of two referees and should be sent to:
office@biochem2.de. Informal inquiries regarding project details
are invited.


The Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology in Freiburg, Germany.

which is for an initial two-years appointment with the possibility of extension.
The position is available in the Department of Molecular Embryology (Head:
R. Kemler).

The research activities of the department focus on E-cadherin-mediated cell
adhesion and on Wnt/ß-catenin signaling in mouse embryonic development

Candidates with experience in these research areas will be at an advantage.
Profound knowledge in protein biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, as
well as in mouse developmental biology is required.

Payment will be a postdoctoral fellowship of the Max-Planck Society.
Women are especially encouraged to apply and handicapped applicants with
equal qualification will be given preferential treatment. A childcare facility
is attached to the Institute. Scientific business at the Institute is carried out
in English.

Applications (by e-mail) should include a curriculum vitae with names of
three references and a list of publications.

Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology, Personnel Department
Stübeweg 51,
79108 Freiburg,
or weigold@immunbio.mpg.de

Applications will be accepted until June 30, 2008.

For further information please contact
Prof. Dr. Rolf Kemler
Phone: +49-761-5108-471
Fax: +49-761-5108-474
e-mail: kemler@immunbio.mpg.de

Link: http://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/markt/gesetzt/S_08_04_a20.pdf

PhD position at Division of Molecular Genetic Epidemiology, German Cancer Research Center

Applications are invited for a

PhD position

at Division of Molecular Genetic Epidemiology,

German Cancer Research Center

Funding source: Tumorzentrum Heidelberg/Mannheim

Duration: as soon as possible until 31.12.2010

Supervisor: PD Dr Rajiv Kumar

Research work will involve a specific area of cancer genetics leading to

doctoral thesis. The study will include an investigation of genetic variants

involved in the susceptibility of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

identified by genome wide analysis using SNP microarrays. The basis of

project is to identify predisposing genetic factors and role of such genetic

factors in the disease outcome. The project will involve the use of Hap-

Map data to identify haplotypes and tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms

to capture maximum information about the involvement of

haplotypes in risk modulation of the disease. The research work will

involve use of bioinformatics, biostatistics and extensive laboratory work.

The project is being carried out collaboration with Prof. Dr. C. R. Bartram,

Institute of Human Genetics, University of Heidelberg. The funding is

guaranteed for three years.

The required qualifications are diploma in biology or related field; background

in molecular biology and genetics and knowledge of biostatistics

is desirable.

The interested candidates can contact:

PD Dr Rajiv Kumar (Phone: 0049-(0)6221-421806)

Division of Molecular Genetic Epidemiology

German Cancer Research Center

Im Neuenheimer Feld 580

69120 Heidelberg


Email: r.kumar@dkfz.de

Link: http://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/markt/gesetzt/S_08_04_a46.pdf

Engineer Two-Photon Microscopy in Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands.

Department: The Microscopic Imaging Centre (MIC) of the Nijmegen Centre for Molecular Life Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen,

The Netherlands is a State-of-the-art facility for imaging of biological specimens utilizing light microscopy (bright-field, confocal, two-photon); scanning and transmission electron microscopy; and digital sample analysis for researchers within and outside the NCMLS.

Job profile: The engineer supports the newly installed two photon in vivo imaging platform (hardware); develops add-ons (f.e. skin windows) to analyze internal mouse tissues/organs (CAD programming); develops automated measurements (macro programming); keeps up to date with relevant scientific and technical literature; trains external and internal users

Requirements: Academic degree in Physics or Biology with background microscopy (or equivalent); relevant computer skills; fluent written and spoken English; enthusiastic and communicative skills

Terms of employment: Temporary 2 years with option to be extended; 36 hrs per week; salary level 10: maximal € 3638 gross per month

Information: Prof. Dr. P. Friedl, head Cell Dynamics Group, +31 24 3610907, p.friedl@ncmls.ru.nl; Dr. J. Fransen, Microscopy facility manager, +31 24 3614284, j.fransen@ncmls.ru.nl

Kontakt: Mw. M. Korsten, HRM counsellor (
155 CBEG, Concerns vacancy: 08484), UMC Radboud, Postbus 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands

PostDoc-position in Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, University of Lübeck.

Inflammation research represents one of the fastest growing academic disciplines with a large potential for translation into novel diagnostics and therapies. The universities of Kiel and Lübeck, the Leibniz Center for Medicine and Biosciences (Borstel) and the Max Planck Institute for Evolution ary Biology (Plön), have established the multi-disciplinary research network ”Inflammation at Interfaces“. Focus is the study of mechanisms of chronic inflammatory diseases of barrier organs (e.g. lung, skin, intestine).

The DFG Excellence Cluster provides superb infrastructures and career perspectives to young researchers. In the “Chlamydial host interactive proteins (CHIP)” group the following scientific position is immediately available:

PostDoc-position (E 13/ E14)

The position is located at the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene (coordinator: PD Dr. Jan Rupp), University of Lübeck. The project focuses on the identification of microbial and host proteins relevant to formation and function of the intracellular chlamydial inclusion. The aim is to determine the proteome of the chlamydial inclusion membrane by using a novel separation technique and high-throughput proteome analysis. The successful candidate should have a doctoral degree in biochemistry, molecular biology or equivalent. We offer an interesting research project, wellequipped laboratories and a fruitful and interconnected scientific atmosphere.

The position is initially funded for 3 years and may be extended for 2 years in the case of a positive evaluation.

For enquiries please contact me directly by mail (jan.rupp@uk-sh.de) or phone (+49-451-500 4409) or send your applications until 30.03.08 to the

Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene

University of Lübeck

Ratzeburger Allee 160

23538 Luebeck


Link: http://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/markt/gesetzt/S_08_03_a19.pdf

Postdoctoral scientist in Dermatology and Allergic

Universitätsklinikum Ulm

The Department of Dermatology and Allergic Diseases at the University Hospital of Ulm is seeking a

Postdoctoral scientist (TV-L equivalent to BATIIa)

for a project on molecular mechanisms of oxidative stress in aging in mice deficient for antioxidative enzymes for two years with the possibility for prolongation.

Candidates should have a PhD in cell biology/genetics or biochemistry/molecular biology. A strong and documented background with practical experience in the analysis of transgenic mice, cell biology and biochemistry is required and essential with publications preferably in peerreviewed journals.

Personal qualities preferably include an active, professional approach to the work with drive for independent work and excellent communication skills. The successful candidate will be highly motivated, able to work in a collaborative manner and committed to an academic career in a teamorientated environment with a perspective to establish her/his own research group/profile.

He/she will work in the new Life Sciences Building within the recently established Research Group on Aging Mechanisms funded by the German Research Foundation (KFO 142) embedded in a well connected interdisciplinary faculty. Please see our homepage at http://www.uni-ulm.de/klinik/derma/.

The University aims to increase the number of women among the faculty staff an therefore explicitly encourages the application of female scientists.

Applicants should send a full CV, a list of publications as well as the names and addresses of three academic referees not later than March 31, 2008 to:

University Hospital of Ulm

Professor Dr. Karin Scharffetter-Kochanek

Department of Dermatology and Allergic Diseases

Experimental Dermatology

Helmholtzstrasse 8/1

89081 Ulm


Ulm University is an equal opportunity employer

and welcomes applications from all qualified individuals.

Link: http://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/markt/gesetzt/S_08_03_a27.pdf

6 PhD-Positions in Heidelberg University

The Cluster of Excellence CellNetworks, centered on world-renowned Heidelberg University, unites more than 90 leading research groups from the faculties of Medicine, Bioscience and Natural Science, DKFZ, EMBL, MPI for Medical Research and the Central Institute for Mental Health, in the common objective: to explore complex networks within and beyond the cell, to describe functional interaction in unprecedented detail and truly understand how it all fits into place. We focus on life-science with expertise from biology, medicine, physical chemistry, biophysics, material science and advanced computation. We offer

6 PhD-Positions.

To outstanding graduates we provide a distinguished three year PhD Program (TV-L 50% E13, common German PhD salary) within one of our research groups of your choice. All CellNetworks PhD students will be members of the HBIGS Graduate School of Molecular and Cellular Biology
. The HBIGS international PhD program comprises a series of courses, seminars and soft skill courses designed to equip students with the essentials to become effective scientists. HBIGS offers its first application round in spring 2008, the call will be open from March 15 to May 15, 2008 (only online application). Please find further information about the participating research groups of the cluster and use the online registration and application system provided on the HBIGS website at http://www.hbigs.uni-heidelberg.de/.

Link : http://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/markt/gesetzt/S_08_04_a08.pdf

Ph.D. student position in University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

The Department of Anaesthesiology at the University Hospital Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg invites applications for a

Ph.D. student position

in the research group of Prof. Dr. Carla Nau. This position is funded trough the Clinical Research Unit “Determinants and modulators of postoperative pain” of the German Research Foundation. The group is studying the molecular mechanisms of nociceptive transduction and transmission in the peripheral nervous system and its plas ticity in response to tissue or nerve injury. The focus lies on ion channels of the TRP- and Nav-family. A strong background in neurobiology, molecular biology, cell biology, or biochemistry is required.

Candidates should hold a Master degree in one of these areas or a German Diploma in one of the Life Sciences. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply by submitting a full curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests, explaining the motivation and expectation to enrol in Ph.D. program (maximum two pages), and the names of two referees, at least one of whom should be an academic. Women are especially encouraged to apply and handicapped applicants with equal qualification will be given preferential treatment.

Electronic applications should be sent to: bewerbung@kfa.imed.uni-erlangen.de

For further information please contact:

Prof. Dr. Carla Nau (Carla.Nau@kfa.imed.uni-erlangen.de)
Dr. Andreas Leffler (Andreas.Leffler@kfa.imed.uni-erlangen.de)

Department of Anesthesiology
University Hospital Erlangen
University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Krankenhausstr. 12
91054 Erlangen

Information: http://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/markt/gesetzt/S_08_03_a25.pdf

International PhD Programm 2008-2009

Research Group: Mr. Dr. Mark Bajohrs

The International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular Biology (IMPRS-MCB) of the Max-Planck-Institute of Immunobiology and the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg i. Br. (Germany) invites suitable candidates to apply for a position in the preparatory program of our

International PhD program 2008/2009

starting on October 1, 2008 in Freiburg i. Br. (Germany).

We invite applications from all countries. Applicants must hold a Masters degree or a Diploma (or equivalent) in Biology, Biochemistry, Medicine, Chemistry, or related fields. It is not necessary to hold the degree at the point of application. However, you must have been awarded your degree prior to the start of the program in October 2008. Candidates have to be fluent in written and spoken English and should document their proficiency in English (TOEFL etc.). German is not required. All applications are reviewed and candidates are selected for personal interviews in Freiburg based on their academic qualification, motivation, CV, suitability to the program and two confidential letters of recommendation. The closing date for online registration is May 3, 2008 and for full applications May 10, 2008. Online-registration and full details of the requirements for the application including the application form can be found at www.imprs-mcb.mpg.de. The Max-Planck Society strives to offer more employment for the disabled. Disabled candidates are encouraged to apply. A childcare facility is attached to the Institute.

Link: http://www.immunbio.mpg.de/home/contact/positions/index.html

Postdoctoral Plant Biology in Potsdam, Germany.

The Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology in Potsdam invites applications for a

Postdoctoral Position

in Quantitative Genetics, to work on projects related to the analysis of variation in growth and metabolism in Arabidopsis and crop plants. The position offers the possibility to apply quantitative genetics in an interdisciplinary environment. We are investigating phenotypic variations in metabolism in large populations of inbreds and accessions/cultivars, using robotised methods to analyse enzyme activities and metabolites. The institute has a large number of bioinformaticians and modellers, and is one of the BMBF-funded Systems Biology Centres in Germany.

The candidate should have a PhD in Plant Biology, Genetics or Mathematics. The position requires experience in the creation and genotyping of plant populations, in experimental design, and in statistical analysis. Experience in the analysis of population structure and association mapping is desirable. The position is funded initially for 30 months.

For further information contact Prof Mark Stitt (Phone: +49-(0)331 567 8100, mail: mstitt@mpimp-golm.mpg.de or visit http://www.mpimp-golm.mpg.de).

Applications including CV, list of publications and letters of recommendation from two referees should be sent by the 3. April 2008 to:

Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie
Personalverwaltung Wissenschaftspark Golm,
Am Mühlenberg 1,
14476 Potsdam

Link: http://www-en.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/08-jobOffers/1108_WMStitt/index.html